Mixed up snack plate
Take the stress out of snacks for back to school or simply entertaining at home. Healthy, nude-food snacks don’t have to be tricky! Here are a few simple back-to-school snacks that are super tasty, wholesome and easy to throw in their lunch box – or on a platter when friends drop around. And the best part, you can find it all at the Market.
- Hummus with paprika
- Veggie sticks – capsicum (red & green), cucumber, carrot
- Green seedless grapes
- Cut corn cobs into smaller pieces, steam and pop in the fridge the night before for an easy snack
- Natural yoghurt with berries (and a drizzle of honey)
- Seasonal berries
- Boil an egg (great source of protein)
- Cube pieces of cheese
- Cherry tomatoes
- Include some of their favourite crackers or nuts