Ferry Train Ferry Merge Fork Left Fork Right Ramp Left Ramp Right Roundabout Left Roundabout Right Straight Turn Left Turn Right Turn Sharp Left Turn Sharp Right Turn Sharp Left Turn Slight Left Turn Slight Right Uturn Left Uturn Right

Let’s help keep Dandenong Market safe!

Dandenong Market always strives to present things to the highest possible standard. By reporting your concerns, this is something we can all play a part in helping us achieve.  

If you see something broken, missing, an incident, a hazard, hazardous behaviour or simply something in need of Dandenong Market’s attention, then let us know.

To officially report incidents simply fill in the form below, it will only take a few minutes to complete, and you’ll be guided through the process.

Please note that we do not use our social media accounts to field reports. 

Stall Number
